Saturday, 11 January 2014

Beauty cheat tips

Beauty cheat tips are a way for you to make your life a little easier

 With these Beauty cheat tips you will wonder what you did with out them

Some time it seems that things are little harder than they need to be  with these Beauty cheat tips we hope beauty is one thing less that’s difficult.
  • If you have run out of cuticle oil and you cuticles are really dry try dabbing on a hydrating eye cream instead it works wonders
  • Wake up with a spot on your face and no spot cream  use toothpaste it is a quick and easy way to dry it out.
  • If you one of the thousands that suffer with oily skin  the fastest way to clean up any excess oil is with blotting paper it  clean up the excess oil on your epidermis and will prevent breakouts.
  • If you run out of nail polish remover, you can remove cracked or chipped nail polish by applying a clear top coat to the nail and with firm pressure remove quickly with a cotton wool.
  •  If your having trouble getting your self tan to blend evenly try adding  a couple of drops of moisturiser  mix together then apply to the skin you will find it will spread more evenly giving you an even tan.
  • Don’t apply primer to areas of the face you are not going to apply make up as it will distract from the look you are going for  because primers are brighter in tone than most makeup shades.
  • If you suffer from ingrown hairs try applying  witch hazel to help reduce the swelling and redness that’s associated with ingrown hairs. From there, coax the ingrown hair from its location with a pair of tweezers (don’t pull it out, though — this will only make the ingrown hair regrow in in the same way later).
  • Shave your  legs or underarms in the shower after standing under warm water for a few minutes. This will help open up hair follicles and will soften hairs so they’re less coarse to shave.
  • Make up products like every thing have a shelf life  make up it ranges from 6-12 months after that throw them a away as they breed bacteria after a few months and can be the reason you keep getting an eye infection.
  • Immediately after stepping out of a shower, pool or lake/ocean, apply some  cream to skin. as water washes away the skin’s natural oils by applying moisture cream will prevent skin chapping.
We hope you liked our  Beauty cheat tips if you fined any other why not let us know.


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