Saturday, 19 April 2014

Makeup Mistakes

Yesterday we covered  What you should do with makeup today we are looking at Makeup Mistakes

With so many don’ts out there we are just looking at some of the most important Makeup Mistakes

We are all guilty of Makeup Mistakes but what exactly are they?We are going to tell you some of the most common and a few not so common mistakes.

Makeup MistakesDON’T wear full makeup every day. It’s not  necessary why not consider a simpler look for your day to day  life. Some people can not live with out  foundation, concealer, lipstick, blush, eyebrow shapers, and mascara is plenty and even though that sounds a lot tuts fine its when you start adding thick eyeliner and eyeshadow  and although it’s  great, it’s also time consuming, and  looks bad if you try to put it on quickly and rushed in  the few minutes you have in the morning. Apart from the fact if you simplify  the shadow and liner you’ll look stunning when you go out in the evening.
Don’t  use a concealer that is too light or too dark. Using the wrong colour concealer will make your eye area look strange. Use a flesh-tone concealer that is just a shade or two lighter than your foundation. If you have dark circles try using  a foundation that has concealer for dark circles in it that way it won’t look too cake around the eyes.
Pick your lip colour carefully –  Red lips can make a beautiful, and dramatic statement just  make sure you keep it on the brighter side, as opposed to magenta, purple, or brown. as these colours can be to harsh depending on your skin tone.
Don’t  go over board with the mascara s it can look clumpy and messy looking 2 coats is more then enough, when applied correctly.
Never stripe on blusher, use a good  blusher  brush, and a  soft colour, and apply it using light, sweeping strokes. You should see no lines where the blush stops and starts.
There are lots ore  Makeup Mistakes but we will cover those another time


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