Friday 10 January 2014

How to plump your lips

Today’s  topic is on  How to plump your lips

There are lots of different way to plump your lips we are gong to tell you just  How to plump your lips

Today we are going to be looking  How to plump your lips, ranging for cosmetics through  injections.

Cosmetic lip plumper’s

There are lots  of  different lip plumping products on the market these days, and most  of them actually do work without costing a fortune. The  ingredients that  is put in the products is designed to  intentionally irritate you lips, causing them to tingle and slightly swell for a plumper look.
Make sure you check the  ingredients if you have sensitive skin as you only want to plump your lips not have an allergic reaction the ingredients to check are;cinnamon, pepper and menthol,

Lip-plumping vacuums

For  a temporary quick fix for your lips, you could try lip vacuum pump this gives you that plumper, younger-looking lips without any sticky products or harsh chemicals. it may sound a bit odd vacuuming your lips( don’t use the hoover to do this) but people who have used the lip vacuum method say that it gives you it works really well.
Hyaluronic acid supplements 
This comes in the form of a tablet, and is meant to aid in healthy joints and skin, so it would seem this is more a side effect more than a guaranteed result but at least it would help improve the condition of you  skin even  if nothing else.
Faking it
Don’t fancy the above you can always do the old fashion thing of faking it, by using make up. To create fuller lips a apply a nude colour primer to your lips, use a highlighter  above the cupid’s bow with a matte  pencil  with a deeper lip liner pencil draw slightly over your natural lip line  and blend slightly inward, lightly dab a light to medium-toned lipstick on entire lip. Next  apply the lightest version of your lipstick shade or  us a lip gloss directly in the centre to create a pout. A light lipstick or gloss always makes lips appear fuller Avoid using a  dark colour , as it will make lips look smaller.

Lip injections

Of course the only way you are guarantee plumper lips is with  an injection whether that is  a dermal filler injection or collagen injection.However you need  to consider the cost and the pain factor before deciding if you want to go under the needle.
Remember that lip injections should enhance the natural shape of your lips, making them slightly fuller,they shouldn’t blow up your lips into an unnatural shape and size.
So what ever you decide to try we hope you have found our research on  How to plump your lips helpful.

Tags:  make up at

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