Wednesday 12 November 2014

Applying foundation and concealer

Applying foundation and concealer looks simple but for it to look good there are some rules you should follow

 Today’s blog is on Applying foundation and concealer 

We all think that Applying foundation and concealer is quite straight forward , but intact it is harder than you think to get it right. In  fact  although  foundation can help to erase imperfections, it  can also look chalky and feel heavy. Here are some good guide lines when it comes to applying foundation.
Basic application
Foundation is perfect for evening out your skin tone, but it wasn’t designed to cover faults just to even out the skin tone.You can try applying a few thin layers of foundation to cover a blemish or lighten under-eye circles; But rather than apply thick layers leave these areas  foundation free rather use a  concealer to cover them  But remember that foundation used together with concealer will look especially heavy under the eyes.
To better understand how much concealer you need, and exactly where to place it, apply it on top of your foundation. If you use concealer without foundation, apply it on bare skin. Only colour-correcting green concealer should be applied under foundation.
For liquid foundation to be usable throughout its lifetime, always shake it well before application.
On dehydrated or dry skin, it is best to apply your  foundation before your moisturising cream  has completely into your skin, this  blends the  foundation and cream together. On well-hydrated normal skin, let your moisturiser be absorbed for at least a few minutes before applying foundation. On oily skin, apply foundation on clean skin, or replace moisturiser with a skin-care product that reduc
es sebum production.
Application steps
Apply foundation on the largest areas first—the forehead, the middle of the cheeks, and a small dot on the chin—blending outwards with your fingers.  you can also use a brush or sponge. Work in the direction of your facial fuzz growth, if you have any. Blend it off on the jaw line and hair line. Then apply a small amount of foundation in the middle of your face, on the nose, the lips, and the eyelids. Wait a minute until the foundation is absorbed, then apply more foundation on the areas that need better coverage. Alternatively, use concealer.
On the under-eye area, apply facial makeup with a finger or with a small synthetic brush or applicator. These tools are particularly useful for accessing the inner corners of your eyes. Pat with your fingertips to blend, using your ring finger or pinkie to minimise the pressure. Never sweep makeup, to avoid wiping it off or pulling delicate skin.
On blemishes, apply concealer in small spots with a finger or a synthetic applicator, then blend the edges with your fingertips. If you use concealer on oozing blemishes, squeeze it onto the back of your hand before applying to avoid contaminating your product.
We will be covering blending  and setting foundation tomorrow so look of Applying foundation and concealer part 2

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