Sunday 2 November 2014

Why skin sags

Do you know Why skin sags

 You may think you know Why skin sags

Today we are going to looking at Why skin sags as more than one reason. The most common causes of sagging skin is ageing. As you age, your skin loses the collagen and elastin,  which are your skin’s supportive connective tissue, this is what makes it look soft, plump and youthful. But thats not only reason our skin sags.  As we age our body changes shape  and  we actually become  smaller the muscles atrophy  through wear and tear particularly on the face after all you cant lift weight with your face  to help keep the muscles firm. The have found that the bone its self also changes  and recedes so all this coupled with age all leads to sagging skin. But is that the only reason our skin ages?
Unfortunately not as you don’t have be old to have saggy skin. Sun exposure is another reason that the  skin loses  its elasticity. The sun’s powerful rays damage skin cells and, over time, this can increase the effects of ageing. So when  you are  soaking  up the suns rays  getting the perfect tan, you are also breaking down your collagen and elastin, which can lead to saggy skin and wrinkles.
Other causes of saggy skin is with extreme weight loss,if you lose large amounts of weight over a short period of time, can cause skin to sag. which can be very frustrating after all your hard work.
Smoking also contributes to saggy skin , but therein culprit is gravity.Everyday  we walk, sit, and move around in an upright position  our skin is affected by gravity. After numerous years of fighting the natural downward pull our skin begins to give in and sag downward. The effects of this gravitational pull does not show up until we are well into our mature years but the weakening of the skin happens from the day we are born.
But all is not lost tomorrow we will be looking at different ways you can help prevent your skin from sagging.
We hope you have found todays blog on Why skin sags informative till next time .


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