Thursday 22 January 2015

Remedies for yellow nails

 Today we are looking at some Remedies for yellow nails

 If you are having a problem with yellow nails here are some Remedies for yellow nails

Yellow nails can be a real pain . We are going tot give you some Remedies for yellow nails but how well they work does depend on what is causing the yellow nails! Yellow nails can be caused by pigment from old nail varnish,fungal infection, chronic liver disease, excessive smoking.

But hopefully some some of these will help;
  1. Lemon – Lemon is a natural bleaching agent and can effectively clean off yellow stains from your nails
  2. Hydrogen peroxide- Hydrogen peroxide has whitening properties that work wonders on yellow stained nails. Be sure to use a only  3 percent hydrogen peroxide any thing higher will damage your nails and irate your skin.
  3. Baking soda -The bleaching and exfoliating properties of baking soda can help remove stains from the nails.
  4. Whitening tooth paste -Toothpaste that helps to make your teeth whiter can also be used to remove yellow stains from nails. For mild stains, you can use toothpaste that contains any whitening ingredient such as hydrogen peroxide.
  5. Denture cleaning tablets  – Another effective ingredient for stained nails is denture cleaning tablets. The two most common ingredients found in denture cleaning tablets are sodium bicarbonate and citric acid, which help remove lots of different types of stains.
  6. Tea Tree Oil – If your nails are yellow due to some kind of fungus-related infection, tea tree oil is the best home remedy to try. Tea tree oil is a natural fungicide and has antiseptic as well as antimicrobial properties that will help fight infection and restore the natural colour of your nails.
  7. Apple Cider Vinegar -The malic acid and acetic acid present in apple cider vinegar will help reduce discoloration of the nails. It also has antifungal properties that will help treat any kind of nail infection that causes discoloration.
  8. Listerine  -Listerine is another effective treatment for discolored nails caused by fungal infections. It contains active ingredients like menthol, eucalyptol, methyl salicylate and thymol that are all rich in antifungal properties.
We hope  you find these Remedies for yellow nails helpful

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