Wednesday 28 January 2015

Removing ingrown hairs

Tips on Removing ingrown hairs

Today we are looking at Removing ingrown hairs

Today we are going to be looking at Removing ingrown hairs  with the least amount of hassle.
Removing ingrown hairs isn’t exactly hard but it  does require some  prepping  of the skin and the right post care for the best possible results. If the hair is infected or severely inflamed, physically removing the hair can irritate the skin further because it’s in a fragile state, so please use precaution. Ingrown hairs do eventually come out on there own accord so if they are not bothering you can just leave them to do just that if you so desire.
  1. Cleanse skin –  using  a mild cleanser to remove any surface dirt and oil and any loose skin cells.
  2. Apply heat – Take a warm shower or bath or apply a very warm washcloth  over area for about five minutes. The heat helps to soften skin, relax the hair follicle and aid hair in coming to the surface.
  3. Exfoliate –  the area if not infected. Using  a gentle  exfoliator, work fingertips in small circles around hair follicle to loosen any dead skin, then rinse with warm water.
  4. Remove hair – Try to gently remove hair out by holding skin taut, and ‘scraping’ a cotton swab in the opposite direction of the ingrown hair. If the hair comes out, then  there is no need to do the next bit.
  5.  Tweezers  –  Use tweezers  that are especially made for ingrown hairs they tend to have pointed ends. First sanitize the tweezers with alcohol. Gently grab the hair if you are able,  but only pull the hair that you can see. Don’t be tempted to dig the tweezers into your skin as   no only do you run the risk of scaring your self  you will irritate the hair follicle further.
  6. Shave  –  Once  you have got the hair out,  shave it down if it’s much longer than surrounding hair with a clean blade and shaving cream or gel.
We hope you find Removing ingrown hairs helpful till next take care.


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