Monday 2 February 2015

What is Urine Therapy?

What is Urine Therapy?

You may be wondering What is Urine Therapy?

What is Urine Therapy? We know sounds a bit dodgy but we thought we would have a look at what it is.
There are lots of things women will do for  spot free skin. We’re always on the look out for that miracle treatment to rid us of our spots for good. But, the latest at home blemish banishing trick to make news is not one we suggest you try: Women in the U.K. are using urine to clear their acne, according to the media
Apparently, it works as a toner and spot treatment. We know there had to be some truth to this—your typical woman isn’t  going to start applying pee to her face for the hell of it. So, we have had to do quiet a lot of research , whether this is legit. The most important fact about urine is that contrary to what you might suspect, urine is not a waste product. In fact, it is free of toxins and contains a resource unique to each individual when re-introduced to the body, internally or externally. Urine is 95 to 98% water. The rest is, as the laboratories can confirm, biochemical compounds in minute amounts that may have curative properties.
So you should you wish  to give this ago here is what you need to know;
One of the simplest ways to use urotherapy for the treatment of acne is to prepare it according to the rules of homeopathy, which involves dilution and succussion. First, take a drop of fresh urine, collected midstream from the morning’s first release. Add it to a tablespoon of sterilized water in a glass dropper bottle. Shake the bottle approximately 50 times against a hard book or the palm of your hand. Take one drop of this mixture and add it to a tablespoon of water in a glass vial, and shake. Repeat this procedure a total of three times, which is an equivalent of a 3X homeopathic potency. Take a few drops under the tongue each day until symptoms begin to improve. If more of the preparation is needed, repeat the process, each time increasing the succussions to reach the 4X potency and so on.
If you don’t fancy the who drinking it bit , you can always apply it externally;
Perhaps the most straightforward method of using urine therapy for the treatment of acne is to use external applications. Moisten a clean, damp cloth with morning urine and apply it to the face, leaving it on like a mask or compress for half an hour.
So there you had it we don’t know whether its the next miracle treatment as neither Lou or are planning on trying it. So you will have to try for your self if you want to find out.
At least there  no confusion as to  What is Urine Therapy?


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