Monday 1 June 2015

How the sun can ruin your skin

You would be surprised at How the sun can ruin your skin

Today we are looking at How the sun can ruin your skin

As good as the vitamin D is that we get from the sun, there is also a lot of negatives things to remember whist sitting in the sun. Today we are going to be looking a just How the sun can ruin your skin .
We wait for seems like a lifetime for the summer, to bring blue sky and a warmer climate, but the summer is all about golden suntans and balmy nights it can play havoc with your skin ! Here is just a view ways that summer is not so great:
  1. Sunburn – yes we know this is obvious  but if you forget to apply and reapply the suncream it can leave the skin red and sore , not to forget the lovely side effect of peeling skin.
  2. Broken Blood vessel (capillaries) – continued exposure to harmful UV rays can cause your blood vessels to rise to the surface and even burst. This happens even to young people it doesn’t matter if your young or old.
  3. Brown spots and freckles – the appearance of those tiny brown pigments means you’re damaging your skin to some degree. Larger brown patches, aka brown spots, can also occur on your cheeks, upper lip, forehead, and chin if you’re exposed to too much sun. This doesn’t nessarly happen straight away but over time.
  4. Heat Rash – The hot weather can cause two types of heat rash, heat rash is  a skin condition caused by blocked sweat ducts and trapped sweat beneath the skin. The first is miliaria crystallina (clear heat rash), which appears as clear pinpoint blisters that look like small beads of sweat. These then burst and cause your skin to peel, although blisters don’t hurt but appear on your skin when you perspire a lot and are in the sun. The other kind of heat rash, miliaria rubra (red heat rash), occurs when sweat is trapped and the skin becomes inflamed and itchy not every one suffered from this but its not pleasant if you do.
  5. Acne – even if you usually don’t break out in spots, you might see a few spots  in the summer, thanks to the heat, which triggers excess sweat to mix with the existing dirt and bacteria on your face.  And if you are using the wrong suncream for your skin type this problem is compacted as the pores can become clogged .
  6. Chaffing – chaffing happens any time your skin is sweaty and rubbing together.You see this a lot around the thighs when people are wearing shorts, but it can happen if you’re exercising outdoors along your sports bra and bikini line as well.
  7. Razor burn and ingrown hairs – In the summer, you’re likely shaving more frequently since you’re more than likely going to be wearing a swim suit  (The swimsuit itself can irritate your bikini line and contribute to ingrown hairs, this is due to the  tight fit.
  8. Tinea Versicolor  – Hot climates and sweat can trigger a fungal infection where the yeast that naturally lives on your skin overpopulates and releases an enzyme that causes patches of skin to be a different colors than the rest, like red or brown. This usually occurs on the trunk of your body. This can make your skin feel very sensitive  as well as causing your skin to tan patchy.
These are just a few ways How the sun can ruin your skin.


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