Friday 18 April 2014

Make up tips you should do

There are lots of do not make up tips now here’s some Make up tips you should do

If you are sometimes unsure amount whats right and what’s wrong when applying make up here are some Make up tips you should do

We quite often put different do  and no not make tips on here but this are some of the  important Make up tips you should do to get the best look.  It does,t matter what make up skills you have  every one  can achieve a gorgeous look without wasting your money or harming your skin!
When wearing foundation  make sure that it  matches your skin tone exactly. The best way to do this is to try on a foundation in  a department store before you buy it. Drugstore are often brilliant, but you can’t always find the correct testers for your skin tone, and trying to make do with the wrong colour will just end up making your skin look a funny colour. Don’t forget to apply the foundation from  your neck up don’t forget to blend your neck and jaw lie into each other before working your way up the face.
Apply foundation on your eyelids up to the brow.  When you apply foundation on your eyelids you are creating a smooth surface for the eyeshadow  if you use an anti redness foundation this will  remove any redness around your eyes, giving your entire face an even and smooth appearance.
When using complementary makeup colours, You should think of your blush and lipstick as an outfit you’re going to wear on your face,  you should make sure your blush is in a similar colour family.  As you are unlikely to  wear a pink skirt and an orange top, so don’t wear those colours together when  it comes to blush and lip stick either as it clashes. Unless you want draw attention to yourself.
When applying eyeliner draw it  as close to the lash line as possible.  Use a soft black, grey, or charcoal brown shades theses colours will  enhance your lashes and frame your eyes. Be sure to get the liner between the lashes; it’s helpful to use a magnifying mirror to be sure you place it exactly. If the outer corners of your eyelids have begun to droop, make sure the eyeliner turns up ever-so-slightly, so you don’t emphasize any drooping. When applying  liner on  the lower lash line,  it’s best to use a softer colour than you do for the upper lash line. Lining all the way around your eye in black is an extreme look particularly if you line the inner rim this look is best saved for nighttime.
Eyeshadow is all about enhancing your eye area, not colouring it in . It’s best not to use eyeshadow colours that match your eye colour  you need to be careful for example not all blue eyeshadows  make blue eyes look better, it can  just end up looking  out of date and overdone, which is why you rarely see examples of this in fashion magazines.  Now a days there is every colour of the rainbow in hundreds of different shades so don’t be shy to experiment,  just don’t get to carried  away keep it simple and you will  achieve  glamorous, elegant, and classic looks.
Lastly but by no means least check your makeup in a magnifying mirror. Remember what you can’t see, you can’t fix; and nothings worst than be out for evening and suddenly seeing how badly you applied your make up.Any mirror of 4X magnification or greater (depending on your eyesight, of course) will do the trick, and these mirrors are widely available.
We hope  our Make up tips you should do have  helped an until next time have a great Easter


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