Tuesday 15 April 2014

Why our skin sags?

There are lots of reasons  Why our skin sags?

Today we are going to take a look at some of the reasons Why our skin sags?

We get asked all the time by our clients  what causes the skin to sag so we decided to look at some of the reasons Why our skin sags? Skin that has lost its elasticity isn't the result of just one cause. Several factors are likely responsible for making your once supple skin appear tired and droopy. The most common cause of sagging skin is ageing. Because as  you age, your skin loses collagen and elastin,  which is your skin's supportive connective tissue, that make it look soft, plump and youthful. In addition, facial muscles can weaken with age, not to forget the descending bones beneath the muscle. Getting older means more exposure to the dreaded pull of gravity; which we know causes skin to sag a little further down with each passing day.
But what causes all these things to happen well? Sun exposure is one reason for your  skin losing its elasticity,the sun's powerful rays damage skin cells which, over time, this can increase the effects of ageing so unfortunately its bit of a  a double-edged sword  as all that ultraviolet radiation you soaked up while getting the perfect tan was also breaking down your collagen and elastin, which can lead to saggy skin and wrinkles.
But lets  not  forget, weight loss, especially the loss of large amounts of weight over a short period of time,this  can cause skin to sag.  So when you are choosing to have a  surgery to remove fat or gastric bands  to force your stomach to shrink you might want to remember this you may be  stuck with skin and tissue too stretched out to snap back . People who lose a lot of weight quickly with diet and  very little exercise may be disappointed by the amount of skin that is left sagging after all their hard work and discipline.
Unfortunately if your concerns are to do with skin on your face  as well as skin and muscle researchers have found that, not all  face lifts  work out as they should,  so they  started looking into what happens to the bones they grouped the scans according to age — young, middle age, and 65 and older— and took careful measurements of the various dimensions of the face, a pattern emerged: It's not just skin that droops with age,  but  the facial bones shift and wither with time too age.They saw changes  in the bones  around the eyes, cheek area and  jaw, if you think about it this makes sense as people age, the eyes appear hollow, deep-set  this is because  the cheek bones right beneath the eye socket descend back in, as a result, they don't give as much support to the lower eyelid.
The same  is true of the jawline  if  you think about the aged face, there's sort of a lack of definition in the jaw line, the jawbone becomes  thinner, the chin recedes. It don't matter how healthy you are how much milk you drink you are always going to get some bone loss but obviously less than someone who doesn't bother to  look after themselves.
But  after we researched all this we have decide that before you  spend money on a face lift (that you should do the masking  tape test  to see what you will look like) no seriously don't just jump into  surgery  make sure you research it  as to whether its going to be worth the money and pain in the end.
We hope our blog on Why our skin sags? has shed son light on the ageing process.

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