Monday 21 April 2014

What are chemical peels?

Today we are looking at What are chemical peels?

What are chemical peels? and do they make a difference

What are chemical peels? And why would you want one we are going to be looking at what chemical peels are and what you can expect from having one.

What is a chemical peel?

A chemical peel involves the application of toxic chemical solutions to the skin in a controlled manner, this produces controlled tissue death.  As the damage is repaired by the natural healing process, the skin’s appearance is improved,how much damage occurs is determined by the nature of the chemicals applied to the skin and what skin condition the peel is treating.
There are lots of different types of skin peels and you need to search this before to make sure you are going to get the maximum benefit from the chemical skin. Chemical peels  are categorized as superficial, medium, and deep. Superficial peels do not damage skin below the epidermis, the most superficial skin layer. Medium peels may reach to the superficial layer of the dermis, which is  the deeper layer of the skin. Deep peels generally reach the deeper layers of the dermis. The depth of damage depends on the nature and concentration of the chemicals in the peeling solution and the length of time they are permitted to interact with the skin. Popular chemicals in peeling solutions include alpha-hydroxy acids, beta-hydroxy acids, trichloroacetic acid, and phenol.
What you can and  and cannot expect to get out of a chemical peel
As with anything it is important to know what’s possible so you can keep your expectations realistic and spare yourself  any disappointment. Chemical peels in any form cannot remove or reduce the appearance of blood vessels on the skin, they cannot change the appearance of enlarged pores, they do not have an effect on keloidal (raised) scarring, they do not work as a face-lift, and they have limited benefit for improving skin discolouration for those with darker skin colour it is best avoided. They can make skin smoother, help fade brown spots and an even out uneven skin tone from sun damage, and generally make skin’s surface look fresher and younger. Having peels done on a regular basis (say, every 6-8 weeks) will lead to collagen stimulation that improves the appearance of wrinkles.
Because this is a harsh treatment on the skin you need to consider the drawbacks with peels, but this is largely dependent on the type and depth of peel. Superficial peels have few associated risks but also offer less noticeable results. Some redness, swelling, and increased skin sensitivity can occur with superficial peels. You may also experience a period of intense flaking as the old, damaged skin is replaced by fresh, smooth new skin.
When significant results are desired, complications increase dramatically . Medium and deep peel complications can include scarring, infection, temporary or permanent changes in skin colour (this is especially true for deeper peels), and cold sore breakouts for  especially if you prone to them. For these reasons, many cosmetic dermatologists are forgoing deeper peels in favor of what can be accomplished more safely with light-emitting and laser devices,you may want to consider one of theses options first and risks are less.
We hope you have a better under standing of What are chemical peels?


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