Wednesday 18 June 2014

Don’t skimp on the suncream

Don’t skimp on the suncream even if your make up has SPF’s

Don’t skimp on the suncream as too little can be painful

You may  think you have enough SPF’S after all your makeup has it in but Don’t skimp on the suncream ,when we’re applying makeup we’re not applying it to our ears, to our neck, and to our décolletage,even when you’re using a bronzer with SPF, you  have to make sure you are using it every where not  just on your cheekbones. t don’t count that as sunblock although using products with an SPF is a bonus.   Don’t forget that SPF’s have to be reapplied though out the day.
It is advised that you should  apply suncream to your face at least every two hours when you’re outdoors and immediately after sweating or getting wet. The chance are that you are only applying your makeup with SPF in the  morning,  which  simply  is not enough coverage. If you apply SPF foundation to the point where it’s completely opaque, then it’s great, but no one wears it like that as it looks awful.
The best and safest way to protect your face is with sunscreen, and any SPF makeup should be supplemental. In both cases you should look for products labeled as offering “broad spectrum” coverage that block out UVA and UVB rays. It’s the UVB rays,  that turn your skin red and affect the top layers of skin, while the UVA rays penetrate to the fat layer and are more responsible for photo damage and premature aging, though both can cause skin cancer.  It is advised that you use a SPF of 15 or higher in sunscreen and in makeup. If you use enough and rub it in thoroughly, you’ll have adequate sun protection.
As for how often you should be wearing sunscreen, you should wear it on your face every single day, even in the winter. For the most effective application, apply right after washing your face or taking a shower so that it can best penetrate the skin.
Sunscreen won’t lose its effectiveness when you apply makeup on top, so doubling up can be great, but slathering on various SPFs doesn’t always add up to better protection. If you layer sunscreens for example, an SPF 15 plus an SPF 30 — it does not add up to an SPF 45. In fact, it appears that you might dilute the higher SPF with using a lower SPF on top
We hope you have found our blog on Don’t skimp on the suncream interesting.


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