Monday 4 August 2014

The facts about cosmetics and sunscreen

The facts about cosmetics and sunscreen and  how good are they?

Today we are  going tone having a look The facts about cosmetics and sunscreen

Lots of  cosmetics have SPF’s in  we are going to take a closer look at how effective they are and give you The facts about cosmetics and sunscreen.  
We wanted to know when we apply our SPF 25 foundation in the morning, how much protection are we actually getting? Firstly we need to have a look how much product we would need to apply, for the SPF to actually be what it say. This would need to be  approx three millilitres or  the size of a £2 pound coin, you would then need to be able to reapply this every two hours for it to be probably protecting you.
So if you are applying 2 mg of factor 25 lotion per square centimetre of skin  this means you’ll get SPF 25 protection. But if you apply only half as much you’ll get half the protection (so SPF 12.5) and so on — applying 0.5 mg to each square centimetre of skin will give you a quarter of the protection, ie an SPF of 6.2 and so on.
To work out exactly how much sun protection my make-up is giving me, I  would need to measure the area of my face in square centimetres, then accurately measure how much product I am applying.
So to recap for than Foundation with an SPF of 25 i would actually need to apply 828 mg every day, now were pretty sure most people don’t apply anywhere near that amount and why would you want to anyway your skin would feel and look  be terrible. Considering if you apply sunscreen every two hours you know  your skin is protected with out   suffocating your skin .
So don’t rely on your make up to protect you from the sun make sure you wear your normal sunscreen as well.
We hope you found The facts about cosmetics and sunscreen  as interesting as we did.


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