Saturday 16 August 2014

What is in Beauty Creams

Today we are going to look at What is in Beauty Creams

What is in Beauty Creams

Have you ever wondered What is in Beauty Creams

We thought it would be interesting to have a look at What is in Beauty Creams we discovered that there is actually some very unusual  stuff in them.
Facial creams claim to do everything from minimizing wrinkles to completely reversing the aging process.  And the formulas for these cosmetics are  very complex and usually closely guarded, but it’s mandated that the ingredients are clearly listed on the box or jar.  Next time you pick up a jar of face cream take the time to read the label, you may be surprised at what you see.  It has been discovered that Human breast milk and  he bone marrow of a chicken  may be  just a couple of things you may find in your beauty cream.
Our ancient ancestors used various natural concoctions to help preserve their skin.  Such as rose oil, kiwi, mud and honey are just a few  of the normal things would could expect to find  as  natural skin preservatives many are still  used today. Then there are the NOT so nice ones. In other Cultures  they used  different ingredients depending on what was available in their region. Some of those ingredients are still used today but if you knew what was in them would yo want to put it on your face  we think not so here are some of the ingredients used in other countries face creams:

  • Nightingale droppings purportedly have some very special properties that can leave skin feeling cleansed, moisturized, silky smooth and beautifully bright. The droppings are dried, bombarded with UV light (to sanitize them) and crushed into powder.
  • Whale vomit, otherwise known as ambergris, has been used for centuries as a fixative in perfumes, some of which find their way into your beauty cream.
  • Synthetic snake venom is being used in some face creams as an anti-wrinkle treatment, and supposedly is similar to Botox. this is actually becoming quite common in the UK as well.
  • Fish eggs aka – Caviar is used in anti-aging products. Some companies claim that it stimulates skin regeneration and provides proteins and vitamins.
  • Several companies are even  making moisturizing creams with semen ( from a bull not a man not thats any better) Some studies found that semen has five times the healing quality of vitamin E.
So now that we have convinced you never to buy face cream from another country ever again,  still don’t forget to  read
What is in Beauty Creams in the UK before buying.


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