Friday 22 August 2014

What do you know about tanning pills

What do you know about tanning pills

What do you know about tanning pills, are they want they seem?

What do you know about tanning pills? lets take a look at this today

So What do you know about tanning pills? they sound great but are they is the question.What do you know about tanning pills
Most of us would love a golden tan without the damage it can cause from the sun or sun beds and now a days there are other options, one of them being tanning pills but do they work and how safe are they.
The active ingredients in tanning pills are pigments called carotenoids, which are a range of yellow to red colours. Canthaxanthin is also used as a colour additive in food manufacturing,you may find it under the name Food Orange 8, carophyll red or roxanthin red 10. It occurs naturally and is derived from shellfish, fish, mushrooms and certain plants.
Normally when you tan it’s melanin, a brown pigment, that determines the colour of the skin you’re in and it’s also what causes you to tan (that’s the skin’s way of protecting itself from the sun’s rays). But when you take tanning pills you completely change the way you develop a tan, there are no ultraviolet rays or melanin involved. In fact you may not even develop a brown tan, you could just end up looking more like you’ve been tango’d.
Canthaxanthin which is the active ingredient, is what simulates the tan when using tanning pills.  It is used to pigment your skin in the same way that  it’s used as a colour additive to deeper the saturation of  tomato sauce and added to a chicken’s diet to intensify the colour of its egg yolk.  If you consume it in large amounts  it will give you that fake orange-brown, sun-kissed glow. The way it works is the body dissolves canthaxanthin in the fat (the adipose tissue) just beneath the epidermis and when we’ve consumed the pigment in large quantities it begins to accumulate in that fatty layer, tinting the colour of your skin.
While canthaxanthin may or may not be an effective way to develop a fake bronze tan without the sun exposure, there is a problem with taking canthaxanthin supplements for tanning purposes.  You need to consume high doses of the pigment before you see results and you need to continue using the pills consistently for at least two weeks before enough pigment is deposited in your skin to show a noticeable change in colour  and consuming large amounts of canthaxanthin has side effects ranging from the cosmetic to fatal.  There is still more research needed to confirm if they actually work anyway.
So there is some useful information on the subject of tanning pills, What do you know about tanning pills.


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