Friday 7 March 2014

Advanced anti aging for hands

Today we are looking at Advanced anti aging for hands

Advanced anti aging for hands

After yesterdays blog we now move onto Advanced anti aging for hands

Following on from our blog yesterday we are now looking at Advanced anti aging for hands.

Medical Fillers for Hands

Experts say that results can last from one to two years which is longer than in the face because the back of the hand has fewer muscles and less muscle activity capable of breaking down the filler.  There is also evidence that the injections stimulate the body’s own production of collagen and elastin, so as time goes on you may need less filler less often to maintain the youthful look.
The Risks of Medical Fillers: there is a risk of tiny lumps of filler and skin that form under the skin and that require surgery to remove, but there have been no reported cases of this. Also African-Americans or others who may have a tendency toward the formation of scar tissue or keloid scarring should only under use medical fillers under the care of someone experienced in treating ethnic skin.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

For people that do not like needles or who want to amp up the impact of their filler treatments, experts say a few zaps from the new fractional laser skin resurfacing tool can do the trick.
Unlike laser treatments in the past that caused deep wounding and long recovery time, the new lasers create miniscule pinholes in the skin that inspire your body to begin producing its own collagen and elastin, without scarring, redness, or recovery time.
You get the benefits of resurfacing as its still the best way to remove wrinkles but without the down time and complication rate.
By stimulating new collagen and elastin to grow, the treatments restore the skin’s underlying support structure, making wrinkles disappear and within several weeks you replace some of the firm, tight look of youthful skin.
An added bonus is that laser treatments help re-texture the skin itself, so your hands look younger and fresher almost instantly.
Your new collagen and elastin are permanent, but since the aging process and sun exposure continue to break them down, lasting effects vary but with good care and judicious use of sunscreen, you could see the improvement up to five years or more.
The Risks of Laser Skin Resurfacing: The most common risk is temporary acne breakouts or local recurrences of the herpes simplex virus. Patients with darker skin were at greater risk for temporary inflammatory hyperpigmentation.  It has also been reported that there is a small risk of scarring.
Before having any treatment such as the ones mentioned above always be sure to research the clinic and the dermatologist.
If you know of any more Advanced anti aging for hands please let us know.

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