Monday 24 March 2014

What do our spots on our face mean

What do our spots on our face meanMost of us get them but What do our spots on our face mean

Today we are going to try and answer this question What do our spots on our face mean

Most people suffer with spots at some time in their lives, as teenagers or adults but What do our spots on our face mean.
Forehead spots- Experts believe that your forehead is the area that reveals how well your body is eliminating toxins. It is said that the top part is related to the bladder, the middle is digestion and the lower part, which runs between your eyebrows is related to your liver so you may find that you get spots here just after a night out.
Spots in and around your eyebrows or on your temples relate to the adrenal glands which sit on top of your kidneys and stress can be a cause of these but exercise can help with stress so try that to help keep those spots at bay.
Spots around your mouth- Small spots around your mouth that look red and lumpy could be perioral dermatitis which is quite common, the cause is for this is unknown but it may mean you need to eliminate products you have been using on the face.
Perioral dermatitis is often mistaken for eczema and therefore people try using over the counter eczema creams which just make the spots worse. One of the common symptoms of PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) is acne which affects 1 in 10 women, particularly around the mouth and chin. It is advised that you see your GP if you suspect you maybe suffering from PCOS.
Cheek spots- In Chinese medicine the cheeks are related to the lungs, so if you suffer with regular colds, flu and asthma you may get outbreaks or irregularities in skin tone and texture on your cheeks. Another cause is rosacea which is extremely common in fair-haired people and can look very similar to acne so many people are misdiagnosed.
Drinking alcohol, eating spicy food and caffeine have been associated with rosacea, as they are inflammatory.  If the spots are flaky, it may be seborrheic dermatitis which can look similar but can also occur in the middle of your chest and in your armpits, it is always best to see your GP if you are worried.
Spots on your chin & upper lip area- Spots usually appear on either side of your chin and on your upper lip at different stages in your menstrual cycle, these are linked to your hormones. It has been said that you can possibly tell which ovary (left or right) you are ovulating from according to which side of your chin breaks out.
There are over the counter remedies and specialist skincare treatments that can help with these type of spots, plus certain brands of contraceptive pill can help reduce outbreaks here.
So we hope we have answered the question What do our spots on our face mean.


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