Wednesday 12 March 2014

Fingernails whats normal and whats not

Fingernails whats normal and whats not

When you look at your Fingernails whats normal and whats not do you know?

We are going to look at Fingernails whats normal and whats not.

A question we get asked a lot is how can you tell on Fingernails whats normal and whats not? Really the answer is simple  first you have to understand what nails are; your fingernails are made up of laminated layers of a protein called keratin and grow from the area at the base of the nail under your cuticle. As new cells grow, older cells become hard and compacted and are eventually pushed out toward your fingertips. Creating what we call the free edge(the white bit you file)
Nails are strong yet surprisingly  delicate. , as well as being vulnerable to abuse, and mistreated, nails are  effected by strong detergents, at the mercy of germs, bacteria and fungus. Nails,reflect our Physiological and Psychological condition, by their very own appearance and condition! 
Most of us have used our nails as tools to open some thing or poke, peel ect without thinking of the  damage we might impose on our nails. But how much damage it causes depends on our own physical health as well amongst other things. Healthy fingernails are smooth, without pits or grooves, they are uniform in colour and consistency and free of spots or discolouration. Fingernails often develop harmless vertical ridges that run from the cuticle to the tip of the nail, these vertical ridges tend to become more prominent with age. Fingernails can also develop white lines or spots due to injury, but these eventually grow out with the nail.
Not all nail conditions are normal, some need treating  these  won’t necessarily cause any real problems  if they are treated. However consult your G.P if you are concerned about an sudden change in your nails as a sudden change can indicate other health issues.
Here are some nail contraindications to look out for:
Changes in nail color, such as discoloration of the entire nail or a dark streak under the nail
Changes in nail shape, such as curled nails
Thinning or thickening of the nails
Separation of the nail from the surrounding skin
Bleeding around the nails
Redness, swelling or pain around the nails
WE hope this has answered the question about Fingernails whats normal and whats not.


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