Thursday 27 March 2014

Bizarre Plastic Surgery Procedures

Bizarre Plastic Surgery ProceduresBizarre Plastic Surgery Procedures

We have been doing some research and have found some Bizarre Plastic Surgery Procedures

Some of the Bizarre Plastic Surgery Procedures  are just weird others just make you think why would you want that done.

Bizarre Plastic Surgery Procedures  seem to becoming the norm,if  you think most people who go under the knife for cosmetic procedures and only ask for bigger breasts and smaller stomachs? you would be wrong. Plastic surgery is more than just breast implants, liposuction, and facelifts.
Here is some of the weird and wonderful cosmetic surgeries that people ask for;
The Grin lift  - As we get older the corners of the mouth can droop. But for an unlucky minority, this permanent scowl can make them look perpetually grumpy. The grin lift is the most effective way to turn this frown upside down.
Chubby cheek surgery - Chubby cheeks are cute in kids, but can make some adults look overweight or jowly. This can be improved by a buccal lipectomy this causes the cheek hollows to contour inward, improving the jowly or “chipmunk cheek” look.
Bra line back lift  - Many women complain to their plastic surgeons about having back fat  this is unsightly rolls of fat which make their bras fit uncomfortably. In the past, our only real surgical option was to liposuction this fat away, sometimes leaving the patient with loose skin. Now a days the can have plastic surgery to remove just that.
Change your iris colour - silicone that can be folded and inserted into the eye to cover iris-related abnormalities. They can also change eye color for cosmetic purposes.
Palm line alterations -i n Japan, where palm reading is popular, some people acquire new lines in their palms by way of cosmetic surgery they think that if they have this surgery that they change their  fate if only it was that simple.
Pointy Spock ear cropping - this is called elfing, this  process  makes the  ears all pointy via slicing and dicing is common in the body modification community. We think this has to be the most Bizarre Plastic Surgery Procedures there is and really why would anyone want this .


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