Monday 17 March 2014

Why do we get spots as adults

Why do we get spots as adults when we thought those days were over

Today we are going to look into Why do we get spots as adultswhy do we get spots as adults

We normally expect teenage spots or even into young adulthood but why can we go years without any and then they appear later on so the question here is Why do we get spots as adults.
Apparently male hormones are to blame which even women’s bodies produce.
Around 85 % of women suffer from acne as teenagers and it doesn’t come from eating chocolate or not scrubbing your face (or scrubbing too hard). It comes from the outpouring of those male hormones, or androgens, which occurs at puberty.
These androgens stimulate the skin to secrete oil. This oil then “feeds” the bacteria that cause acne, the name for this microbe is propionobacterium acnes.
The bacteria releases chemicals into pores, attracting white blood cells and causing inflammation. That is how you get spots.
As we age, most of us overcome our androgen problem as our ovaries produce appropriate amounts of estrogen and our liver makes proteins that bind to the androgens and render them less potent. But some of us are not so lucky. We may be genetically inclined to continue to produce oil, or we may develop problems that foster acne development, so this can be a recurring problem for some women.
If you suddenly start getting spots on your face, first think about whether you’ve changed your skincare or make up products recently. Cosmetica acne (spots caused from make-up clogging pores) is easily sorted once you change the product.
In Chinese medicine every part of the face is indicative of how well different organs of your body are doing. If your breakouts are every now and then then it’s probably caused by a short term hormone imbalance or stress related issue. Always remove make up properly and if you tend to get more black heads and little bumps under the surface, try changing your moisturiser.
So Why do we get spots as adults, what do you think about it? do you suffer from adult spots?.


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