Thursday 15 May 2014

Why kale is the king of vegetables

Lets take a look at Why kale is the king of vegetables

In our blog today we are looking at Why kale is the king of vegetablesWhy kale is the king of vegetables

There are many benefits to eating kale but what makes it so special, we are going to tell you today Why kale is the king of vegetables.
Along time ago kale was referred to as a poor persons food but has become very popular over recent years.  It has increased in popularity for the simple reason that it contains so many health benefits and this is why kale has now been given its title of the king of vegetables.  So today we are going to tell you why you should be eating kale and the great health benefits it has.
VITAMIN C- it is high in vitamin C which is great for your hair, it helps promote sebum which creates a natural conditioner, it can also help fight against hair loss.
PROTECTS YOUR EYES- as it is also high in vitamin A which assists your retinas in absorbing light so helps them to maintain proper vision. Vitamin A also has cancer prevention properties that can stop cataracts later in life.  kale also contains lutein and zeaxanthin - carotenoids which protect your eyes from excessive exposure to ultra violet light doing the same job as sunglasses would.
GOOD FOR THE BRAIN- it contains alpa-linoleic acid (ALA), which is a type of omega-3 fatty acid. which is important as it assists in the proper function and general well being of your brain.  ALA is also an anti-inflammatory and can help to fight diabetes, arthritis, obesity and depression.
HIGH IN CALCIUM- it has a higher calcium content that milk which is fab if you don’t like milk or have an allergy or intolerance to it.  This means you can get the maximum benefits of calcium such as stronger bones.
GOOD FOR SKIN- kale is great for the skin as it contains  antioxidants which are essential for maintaining its health and can help you look younger.
As you can see kale has many benefits to your health, it is also good for your heart, digestive system, your immune system and is high in iron.
Why kale is the king of vegetables is pretty clear going by the information above so if you don’t already then start eating kale and plenty of it.


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